Available On-Line Filing

Mississippi allows returns to be filed on-line using your home computer and an Electronic Transmitter Service/On-Line Service Provider. The following is a list of those companies intending to provide on-line electronic filing of Mississippi Individual Income Tax Returns for tax year 2024. The list starts with those companies that are offering free or reduced fee e-file for Mississippi taxpayers. Please visit each site to determine if you qualify for one of these programs.

An MS 8453 OL signature document is not required to be mailed to the Department of Revenue.

Free or Reduced Fee E-File Programs

Read the options for the following to find the best product for your situation. You may qualify to file your return free-of-charge.



1040Now logo

Free federal and MS tax preparation & e-file for all who live in MS with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $32,000 or less. This offer is limited to three (3) free tax returns per computer.

Free file URL = http://www.1040now.net/freefilems.htm

Online Taxes logo

Online Taxes at OLT.com would like to offer free federal and free state online tax preparation and e-filing if your Federal Adjusted Gross Income is $48,000 or less regardless of age. 

Activity Duty Military with an adjusted gross income of $84,000 or less will also qualify.

Note: The OLT Free File website must be accessed through the link below.

Link: https://www.olt.com/main/oltstateff/default.asp​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Free Tax USA

FreeTaxUSA will be offering free electronic preparation and filing services for both Federal and Mississippi tax returns to eligible Mississippi taxpayers.  For a taxpayer to be eligible to use our free services, they will need to meet the following requirements:

  • AGI is $48,000 or less

-- OR --

  • Served active duty military in 2024 with an AGI of $84,000 or less

Access through this link: https://www.freetaxusa.com/freefile2024